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The history of our place dates back approximately 30 years ago when it was originally constructed using the finest local essences of almond tree and teak. At that time, the newly established guesthouse was given the name "Rancho del Diablo" which, when translated, means "hut of the devil.".

According to a local legend, the initial design of the building featured a mural depicting powerful waves and mischievous devils attempting to surf them.

After some time, the ownership of the guesthouse changed hands, and it came under the management of a legendary surfer named John Wood Logan, III, affectionately known as "Logie." Recognizing the charm of the location, Logie decided to rename the establishment to "Playa Grande Inn", in Grande there is a surf spot named for John "Logie's Ledge" mentioned in "Wave Finder of Central America".

El Reinas hotel playa Grande Costa Rica
El Reinas hotel playa Grande Costa Rica

Fast forward to ten years ago when the Reina family embarked on their journey of providing exceptional service to international guests who sought a retreat at Playa Grande. Understanding the allure of the area's natural beauty and the magnificent waves it offered, the Reina family took on the responsibility of welcoming guests from around the world who were in search of tranquility, a connection with nature, and, of course, thrilling surfing experiences.


Since then, the Reina family has dedicated themselves to creating a welcoming and comfortable environment for their guests. The hotel has undergone renovations and enhancements to ensure that visitors can enjoy modern amenities while immersing themselves in the natural splendor of the Playa Grande retreat. With a rich history rooted in the love for surfing and the desire to share the beauty of the area, the hotel continues to be a cherished destination for travelers seeking a unique and memorable experience.

Whether you're an avid surfer looking to catch the perfect wave, a nature enthusiast eager to explore the wonders of the surrounding environment, or simply someone seeking peace and relaxation, we invite you to be a part of the ongoing legacy of our hotel and experience the warmth and hospitality that the Reina family has been providing for years.

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